The Delaware Knights of Magic is a club for all magicians and people interested in magic in the Delaware area.
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Welcome to the DKOM
Upcoming Events
Our Next Meeting
WHEN: Thursday, January 11 at 7:30 pm EST
WHERE: Cokesbury Village
How To Get to Cokesbury Village
GPS Input:
Cokesbury Village
726 Loveville Rd
Hockessing, DE 19707
When You Arrive a Address:
After you turn into the driveway, bear RIGHT down the hill.
About 20 yards down, you’ll see a sign for Staff parking. (Park Here)
After you park, continue to walk down the hill, you’ll see a sign for Ambulance, Deliveries, and Reserved Parking. You should turn LEFT here.
You should see an Awning in the far corner with automatic doors. That’s the entrance. We meet in the room immediately to the right as you come in.